ARCH seeks to be an organisation that is inclusive, we value diversity and wish to create a culture where our team and the people using our services can flourish. We acknowledge that our organisation is not as representative as it could be, and we strive to improve this to develop a diverse range of skills and experiences on our staff team and trustee board.
ARCH is committed to reflecting and responding to the diversity of the communities of Teesside.
We take an intersectional approach, which recognises that people from multiple marginalised groups may experience more than one form or discrimination, and that factors such as gender, class, ethnicity, disability status, religion, and age can all impact, adding multiple layers to individual experiences.
The ARCH team are supported to understand anti-oppressive practice with facilitated Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) training and through the continued development of our Champions workstream. We have established this to help us to understand the multiple barriers that some communities may experience when they need to access our services. The champion’s workstream helps us improving our own understanding, as well as to develop relationships with other specialist services that can support us build our knowledge and take action to address any barriers that exist in accessing our support.
ARCH is committed to being an anti-racist organisation. We acknowledge that racism exists, is insidious, extremely harmful and can intersect with other forms of oppression, creating additional layers of trauma for survivors of sexual abuse.
We recognise that racism can manifest in different ways, and we understand that it is present within systems and structures and that as individuals we can perpetuate racism. Being anti-racist means that we will proactively do everything that we can to acknowledge the impacts of racism, that we will educate ourselves and be actively ‘alive’ to recognising and calling it out when and where it manifests. We will work to address power imbalances and to promote equity.
As part of our commitment to anti-oppressive practice we will be further developing an anti-racism policy, anti-racism strategy and putting in place training for the whole of our team. We will be held accountable for this work to our board of trustees, with our Chair or Trustees and CEO leading on this work.
Our centre offers a safe environment for you to come and talk. We offer women only spaces in our Middlesbrough office on a Wednesday 5-7pm, Friday 8.30-5pm, and in our Stockton & Hartlepool outreach venues.
ARCH Teesside © All Rights Reserved 2024 - Charitable Incorporated Organisation Reg. Charity No 1154766
I confirm that the person being referred does not pose a risk of harm to others, and is not known to Police regarding violent or sexual offences.
By ticking this box, I / the person being referred agree for checks to be made regarding their risk status.
ARCH Teesside reserve the right to refuse referrals and the provision of services. All relevant risk and need information should be sent with the referral, contact 01642 822335 for more information. This referral cannot be submitted unless the above information is confirmed.
I confirm that the person being referred does not pose a risk of harm to others, and is not known to Police regarding violent or sexual offences.
By ticking this box, I / the person being referred agree for checks to be made regarding their risk status.
ARCH Teesside reserve the right to refuse referrals and the provision of services. All relevant risk and need information should be sent with the referral, contact 01642 822335 for more information. This referral cannot be submitted unless the above information is confirmed.